Smilesahead with Dr Amarjit Gill
Amarjit Gill Nottingham Dental Check Up Derby Leicester


It is recommended you come and see us every six months for a dental check up (sometimes called a dental examination or dental exam, Dental Health Check):

Dental Health Check with Amarjit Gill:

  • we check your medical history,
  • check the health of your gums, ensuring there is no gum disease,
  • your teeth for signs of tooth decay or damage,
  • take x-rays as necessary,
  • and also check your mouth and jaw for early signs of oral cancer .

These areas are carefully diagnosed to look for any deteriation from previous visits.

We discuss any medical history complications or medicines which may effect your overal oral health.

We measure the depth of gum recession on all sides of the tooth, the mobility of the teeth and look for signs of sensativity or bleeding to ensure we can give you the right swiss watches uk oral hygiene advise to help improve the health of the gums and teeth.

We check existing fillings, crowns and bridges to ensure they are sound. We look at areas where teeth are missing and make a decission on whether they need replacing.

We look at the way your teeth close together an look for any excessive wear on particular teeth, whether there are any signs of grinding (bruxism).

The aesthetical appearance of the teeth is reviewed and any cosmetic dental enhancements discussed.

The soft tissue is checked in your mouth and lips ensuring their are no lumps, white patches or abnoral red patches. You will be asked to stick your tongue out so that all sides of the tongue can be examined to ensure it's the right colour, texture and that there is no swelling.

Once Amarjit Gill our cosmetic dentist has checked your mouth, teeth and gums we can then discuss any issues you may have with your teeth and fake breitling the possibility or cosmetic dental improvements.

If you feel you need to see Dr Gill before your next appointment with anything that concerns you or toothache, please call us to make an appointment at Grangewood Dental Practice in Nottingham.


Smilesahead with Amarjit Gill provides all aspects of preventative dentistry. Specialists in Prevention and cosmetic dentistry in Nottingham.